Get to know how planning consultants and planning solicitors are using Vizlegal

We provide popular time-saving tools for planning consultants/solicitors, giving you more time to focus on the things that matter. Here is what they told us they found most useful:

Track cases

Wasting time by manually checking the Weekly Lists if cases of interest have been updated or decided? With our Follow option, you can track individual ABP cases, and get email summaries of changes each morning.


Search in just one database

Tired of searching the same terms in two different databases? Vizlegal has consolidated the archived and current An Bord Pleanála (ABP) databases. In a single search, you can query 86,000+ cases from 1996 onwards, all in one place, in under a second.


Extra filters

Vizlegal has built on and improved filters with more functionality: such as filtering by 'Decided/Undecided' cases and showing you if a decision has been made on any given case (or not).


Smart timelines

We have linked 100s of Superior Court judgments from the late 1990s onwards to their respective ABP cases, saving you time trawling through different databases, or repeating searches to find connected appeals.

party streamer

Keyword alerts

Vizlegal allows you to set keywords and phrases for any new ABP case descriptions or parties, so that you can be notified when a relevant case is added. For example: "tell me the next time an appeal is filed that contains the word "solar" in County Cork".